Company Profile

Company Name

Kashihara Keiki Kogyo Co.

Representative Director

Naoto Miura


February 1947

Capital stock

50,000,000 yen

Business Activities

Manufacture and sale of water meters, hybrid water meters, manufacture and sale of smart meter systems, etc.,export of overseas technology

Main Customers
  • Municipal waterworks bureaus throughout Japan
  • Building and condominium management companies
Location of Head Office

Head Office
5-3-28 Hongo 5-chome, Kashihara, Osaka 582-0001, Japan

Main Locations
●Head office building   
4-73-1 Hongo, Kashihara-shi, Osaka
●Head office and factory 
3-28, Hongo 5-chome, Kashihara, Osaka
●Chiba Sales Office    
1-2-10, Suehiro 1-chome, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba
●Kanagawa Sales Office  
2-2-4, Azamino 2-chome, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
●Yao Plant, Shinmachi Plant, Shinmachi Plant 2

*All plants have AEDs installed.

Certified Standards
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO27001 (Water Quantity Management System Office)
Awards Received
September, 2016
Osaka Manufacturing Excellence Award 2016, Intellectual Property Division Award
January, 2017
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 certification
December, 2017
Osaka Governor's Prize" at the 2009 Osaka Stop Global Warming Awards
Selected as a regional future driving company
January, 2008
Awarded "Kansai Monozukuri Shin-Sen 2018
March, 2008
Awarded the 43rd Grand Prize for Invention, Invention Merit Award
November, 2008
Awarded the Excellence Prize in the Environment Improvement Excellent Business Office Awards in 2008
December, 2008
Received the Good Company Award, Special Prize.
June 2019
Selected as one of the "300 Small and Medium Enterprises and Small Businesses 2019"