Management Philosophy

We have been working with water, a precious environmental resource, for 75 years.

From Hokkaido to Okinawa, we manufacture and sell water meters that are indispensable for every household to local governments throughout Japan.
For 75 years, Kashikei has been working together with water, a precious environmental resource that is indispensable to people's lives.
Kashikei will continue to challenge the limitless possibilities of water, not only by measuring tap water but also by utilizing the intelligent water meter technology we have developed.

Comfortable like water. To be a company that fits in with your life.

Management Philosophy

Based on the spirit of harmony, we will contribute to society with the latest technology and the greatest vitality, and
and seek the development of the company and the happiness of our employees.

Quality Policy

By providing our customers with safe and reliable measurement technology products,
We aim for the permanent development of our company and social contribution by providing our customers with safe and reliable measurement technology products.

Symbol Mark

Kashikei's symbol mark is based on the spirit of harmony.
The central circle symbolizes harmony and is supported on both sides by the K of Kashikei.
The Kashikei symbol symbolizes our wish that "all employees will work together as one to sustain prosperity.
Kashikei's social significance

Kashikei's Significance to Society

The Earth is a planet of water. However, only 0.01% of all the water on earth is available to people. Meanwhile, the amount of usable water continues to decrease as pollution increases and global warming causes water shortages to become more serious. Our mission is to accurately measure water, which is a limited resource and the source of life.