• Invent The Tomorrow of Water.

Invent The Tomorrow of Water.

For 75 years, we have been working with water,
which is indispensable for our daily lives.
We believe in the potential of water and want to enrich people's lives,
Kashikei will continue to challenge the infinite possibilities of water,
not only by measuring tap water,
but also by making full use of the intelligent water meter technology
we have developed.
The future of water will spread from Kashikei.

Kashikei's challenge to go beyond measurement.
to go beyond measurement.

Let us introduce you to
Kashikei's vision for the future.

The cities of the future will be surprisingly smart.

The Japanese government is promoting the concept of a super city that makes full use of AI and big data. Kashikei is developing Smart Meter to realize the comfortable lifestyles of the future. Eliminate waste and improve efficiency. Expect to see the water supply of the future, where technology and water meters are fused together.

Lifestyles will change so much when you can "see" how much water you are using.

If we could visualize how much water we are currently using, our awareness of water conservation would be greatly enhanced. Also, for elderly people, being able to see how much water is being used can be used as a function to watch over them. It can also be used to detect water leakage. Many good things will come out of this. We are currently conducting demonstration tests to realize such a future.

Let's learn about the future of water and children.

We are conducting program classes to deepen the understanding of water and waterworks among children, who will be responsible for the future. For example, in Yao City, Osaka, we challenged a next-generation workshop where children can play and learn about "programming" and "water and the environment" using the cutting-edge robot toy "Sphero mini.

Toward a more joyful future of work for everyone.

Toward a more diversified future, Kashikei hopes that recruitment will become borderless as well. We are actively recruiting women, and hiring silver workers to help the elderly. We are also accepting trainees from overseas with a view to global business.

The possibilities of water.

We do not have it now, but it would be great if we had it in the future! Kashikei also places great importance on thinking of ideas that are not currently available, but would be great to have in the future. For example, a "flying water server" that can supply water anywhere in the city, or a system that donates water equivalent to the amount of water saved to areas with scarce water resources. Kashikei's job is to think excitedly about future ideas.

Taking on the challenge of solving social issues centered on water meters.

At Kashikei, we believe that measured data should not only be used to calculate water rates, but can also be used to solve social issues. In addition to being used for monitoring, leak detection, and disaster countermeasures, the data can be analyzed in conjunction with data from other sources to create a more affluent and safer world. To realize such a world, we will continue to take on the challenge of going beyond "measurement.

To be an innovation company
that innovates the future of water.

We have been taking on the challenge of manufacturing
products that are one step ahead of the times,
starting with the development of water meters
to measure water,
which is indispensable to mankind no matter how times evolve.

Unique ideas.
An environment where young people can take on challenges.
We are making corporate efforts with a unique commitment
to our customers and the future of mankind,
including the creation of high quality products
with a highly flexible response capability.
Even in an age when greater efficiency is demanded,
our stance remains the same.
We continue to question conventional wisdom
and ask what is necessary for the future.
We hope you will look forward to Kashikei,
a company that will innovate the future.

Representative DirectorNaoto Miura

For those who are willing
to take on the challenge of working
with Kashikei toward a "Water Tomorrow",
we would love to hear from you!

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  • Invent The Tomorrow of Water.